Vanilla Orange Cacao Hot Chocolate

Flying Bird Botanicals Vanilla Orange Cacao Hot Chocolate

Sale price$15.99
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With Flying Bird Botanical's Vanilla Orange Cacao Hot chocolate, a splash of citrus and sweet vanilla bean combine for a festive cup of cacao. Made with single sourced heirloom Ecuadorian cacao and sun dried cane crystals.
Women Owned
This brand is owned by a majority of women. This includes everything from a small one-woman shop to a larger company where more than 51% of women make up the ownership team.

This product contains material that can break down into soil in either a backyard or industrial composting system. These products are declared compostable by the manufacturer, but may not third-party certified. Contact your local waste-hauler or composting facility to determine where these materials may be accepted. Certain materials may be better fit for industrial facilities than backyard composting systems. Industrial facilities may not exist in your area.

Made in the USA
This product was made in the United States. Buying locally made items helps to reduce harmful emissions that result from transportation during and after the production process. Purchasing products made in the United States also ensures that the items are produced in ways that meet strict safety and labor standards.

This product contains recyclable materials. It may be recyclable with curbside recycling collections, but might need to be sent to a special recycling facility. Contact your local waste-hauler or recycling facility for details. Appropriate facilities may not exist in your area.

Recycled Packaging
This product is packaged or shipped in materials that contain recycled content.

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Flying Bird Botanicals

Based in the Pacific Northwest, Flying Bird Botanicals was founded with people, planet, and healing in mind. A woman and family-owned business, Flying Bird Botanicals incorporates heirloom farming practices to create organic artisanal blends of tea, hot chocolate, and other delicious drinks that everyone will enjoy. Plus, their products are packaged plastic-free with recycled materials to minimize their footprint and offer a totally planet-friendly cup!

See Flying Bird Botanicals

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