The CEO and founder of Vejibag, Sally Erickson, needed to keep her veggies as fresh as possible from the time they were picked in her year-round, Eastport, Maine greenhouse until they were taken home by customers from the local co-op market. She wanted to do so without using harmful chemicals and learned that the best way to keep vegetables fresh was keeping them in cool, damp environments as generations had done so with wet tea towels. She combined these two traditions and created the Vejibag, a method of keeping vegetables fresh in organic cotton bags while eliminating plastic use.
Sally prototyped her bags in her living room and started sending out all of her greenhouse grown produce in these reusable cloth bags. Customers would pick up their bag of produce and return it the next week to get more. Leading to a sustainable exchange between Sally, the local co-op, and her customers.
Once the Vejibag gained popularity, she collaborated with other Eastport women to start sewing the bags from their homes. Not only are the bags plastic-free, they are made with the US grown organic cotton. She was then able to turn her Vejibag business into something that benefited her community and the environment!
Sally prototyped her bags in her living room and started sending out all of her greenhouse grown produce in these reusable cloth bags. Customers would pick up their bag of produce and return it the next week to get more. Leading to a sustainable exchange between Sally, the local co-op, and her customers.
Once the Vejibag gained popularity, she collaborated with other Eastport women to start sewing the bags from their homes. Not only are the bags plastic-free, they are made with the US grown organic cotton. She was then able to turn her Vejibag business into something that benefited her community and the environment!