Tube Key - David's Toothpaste

Davids Tube Key - David's Toothpaste

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This key is for David's Toothpaste tubes. It is meant to help get every last bit of toothpaste out of the tube!


As living a sustainable lifestyle grows in popularity, it becomes more clear that many of our everyday household products don't support the same values that we do. Luckily, Davids is providing a commonly overlooked product, toothpaste, that exceeds both our health and our sustainability standards! Containing no artificial flavors, colors, preservatives, or sweeteners, along with being vegan, Davids toothpaste promotes the highest health standards. The toothpaste is also packaged in FSC certified recyclable paperboard, and comes in a recyclable metal tube! Finally, Davids supports the US economy by sourcing ingredients and manufacturing their products within the United States. Davids spent four years doing research and development in order to create a product which was not only natural and sustainable, but also extremely effective. Click below to learn more about why we love Davids!

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